Sunday, January 19, 2025


One of the Ukrainian women I helped come into Ireland, Julia, gave me a Motanka doll from Ukraine to protect our home. I was not familiar with the Motanka tradition. Perhaps it's from a different region than my family comes from. 

Anyway, I was very happy to find this post on a site delightfully called Ukieology in Canada about Motanka. Each doll is unique and made with good intentions and sincerity as it was believed that it has power and will act as a protector of a household and its inhabitants.

Motankas differ from ordinary dolls by "empty" faces. The ancients believed that giving the doll a face could tie a person's soul to it. Therefore, faces have no facial features, only multicoloured threads laid out in a cross shape across the face. 

My doll doesn't have the pattern shown on the dolls in Canada. But the cross pattern, which they explained is a pagan symbol of the sun where horizontal lines represent feminine and vertical represent masculine, is very reminiscent of St Brigid's Cross in Ireland, yet another potential connection between Ukraine and Ireland. 

On the 1st February, Imbolc, I plan to make dandelion fritters. Brigit was a Herbalist and this was her speciality. I will embrace my Motanka and introduce her to Brigid. 

Dandelion Flower Fritters

A pint jar filled with fresh dandelion flowers, stems detached, yellow blossoms fully opened

80 g cream flour

80 ml milk

5 ml baking powder

1 egg

Pinch of sea salt

Oil or Butter for frying

Optional items to add for sweet fritters: spoonful of honey and 5 ml of any of the following: cinnamon, cloves, cardamom or nutmeg. For savory fritters add fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary and oregano plus more salt, pepper and a pinch of chili for extra heat.

Dandelion flowers will close within about 20-30 minutes after being picked so it is important to make the fritters immediately upon harvesting.

Mix dry ingredients then slowly add the milk and beat in the egg. Add the sweet or savory ingredients, as desired. Dip the flower blossoms into the batter, coating well. Fry until golden brown. Best if eaten immediately.