Monday, February 28, 2022

War is not going Putin's way

The David and Goliath war. The Bible says David won. 

The war has been going for several days and Ukraine still has not given up. The main cities remain under Ukrainian control, civilians are taking up arms, the diaspora is coming home or supporting those fleeing. Some 500,000 have already crossed borders into Poland, Moldova, Bulgaria and the Chech Republic. The Polish have been enormously supportive and the world has rallied around Ukraine's cause chanting 'No War' even in Russia. Thousands hit the streets in cities around the world this weekend. 

Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian soldiers, and the Ukrainian people are being seen as heroes, dedicated to preserving their freedom and protecting their homeland. Ireland has opened its borders to Ukrainians wishing to enter who don't have a visa.  

I was hoping to offer accommodation in a friend's renovated CG station and help with transport and translation, but the place isn't fit for occupation just yet. I have donated money to Ukraine's fund for medical supplies, propagated fact-checked information, created a list of Russian-owned companies to avoid, and offered moral support where possible. I also prayed. And I cried - tears of sadness and of pride. 

Meanwhile, the sanctions have hit Russia hard. Russian currency lost 30% of its value today and the central bank doubled interest rates to prop it up. Everyone is dumping Russian assets. BP is dumping its share of Rosneft, Norway is dumping about $3 billion from its sovereign fund. Europeans are giving up their board seats and Russian-owned companies are exposed. Lukoil and Holland & Barrett are owned by Russian oligarchs and should be boycotted. 

Students and grannies are making Molotov cocktails to use against the Russian troops. It's their way of saying we don't want you here. 

Airspace over Europe has banned any Russian planes, including oligarch's private jets. Pretty soon Russians won't be able to go anywhere in the Western world. I'd say they won't be happy with Putin after this. 

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